Humorous Pizza Hut parodies selfie stick abuse PSA

There’s probably no point in me asking if you’ve taken a selfie lately. The answer is yes, which means you’re the target audience for this new over-the-top selfie stick parody PSA from Pizza Hut.

Also known as Narcissistick addicts, this humorous video warns of the dangers around selfie stick abuse. While it doesn’t push the branding so much, it’s a funny good PSA to promote the Pizza Hut’s two-foot-long Big Flavour Dipper pizza.

Pizza Hut spokesman Doug Terfehr said on Adweek, “the pizza is so big that a regular out-stretched hand just won’t do it. If you want to snap a photo of it, with you in it, you’re going to need a bigger stick. It was a fun, lighthearted way to communicate that message.”

The spot features a spokeswoman who brings the right mixture of faux-fear and faux-anger. It then cuts to different clips, including a group in a car with a extravagant selfie stick before taking out a lemonade stand and knocking over an innocent cyclist; another man falls over his selfie stick, knocking over his TV and damaging furniture as he struggles to stand upright.

The PSA becomes clear with a hapless pizza delivery man confiding:

“Bigger parties means bigger selfies, which leads to bigger selfie sticks, which leads to bigger selfies, which leads to bigger parties and bigger pizza. This is two feet of pizza, man. This better show up on Instagram.”

Watch this narcissistic spoof for yourself and see if you’re guilty of selfie stick abuse:

Pizza Hut: The dangers of selfie sticks

Besides being an excellent burn, this little line of faux concern describes one of the many dangers awaiting those who use their telescopic, friend-repelling, narcissistic devices.

And if real PSAs from fast food franchises are more your thing, take a look at this anti-bullying PSA from Burger King.
