Cheryl Lee’s magical forest inspired jewellery

Allowing our minds to escape into fantasy can be entertaining, distracting, frightening, or even arousing. That escape into our inner world allows us to rehearse the future and imagine new adventures without risk. Thus, it allows the mind to roam freely and aid creativity.

Out-of-this-world galaxy donuts are delicious

A recent time ago, in a galaxy not so far far away… arrived the latest Instagram food craze. Prepare to be starry-eyed with the latest addition to the galaxy confection craze: the galaxy donut.

Dry pool lets you float your workplace worries away

This dry pool allows you to float your worries away without the need to bring a bathing suit to work.

Dove ad highlights women’s beauty on their own terms

7 in 10 women believe they get more compliments about their look than their professional achievements.

The world’s longest invoice reveals what freelancers are owed

By inviting frustrated freelancers to contribute what they're owed, this invoice gives an idea of what's owed.

Pantone Café serves food inspired by colour

if perfectly colour coordinated, tasty food is what brings you joy, head to the pop-up Pantone Café in Monaco.

A blind artist creates a series of hypnotizing GIFs

This legally blind artist has raised the bar in the art of animated images with his ongoing series.

Celebrate Canada Day with interesting Canadian facts

Did you know that we produce more maple syrup than any other country? Learn more facts about Canada.