Poland unveils glow-in-the-dark bicycle path

In a world where cities are looking for eco-friendly infrastructure solutions, new bicycle lanes are constantly being added. Seeking to make the bicycle path safer and more accessible in the evening and at night, urban planners in Lidzbark Warminski, Poland just unveiled a new glow-in-the-dark bicycle path.


The luminous blue cycling strip was created by TPA Instytut Badań Technicznych Sp. z o.o. Studio Roosegaarde’s Starry Night bike lane in the Netherlands was the inspiration for the concept of this glow-in-the-dark bike lane. Unlike that concept which uses solar-powered LEDs, this new path in Poland requires no external power source.


Small crystal-like particles of phosphor called luminophores are what make the path glow-in-the-dark. The bicycle path can then stay illuminated for up to ten hours at night after being charged by the sun during the day. Maybe this bright idea will be implemented in other countries in the very near future. Although it’s still in the testing phase, the concept ought to be attractive for city planners; both for its environmental credentials and money-saving potential.



So what are your thoughts on this glow-in-the-dark bicycle path? Would you ride your bike on an illuminated path?

Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/glowing-blue-bike-lane-tpa-instytut-badan-technicznych-poland/