12 Mother’s Day traditions from around the world

A special day to honour the women who gave birth to us, Mother’s Day is celebrated in several countries around the world. In most countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, but in others it’s celebrated at an entirely different time of the year.

But what ever the date and the traditions, the spirit is the same. Everywhere in the world mothers are respected for their devotion towards their kids. That’s why UK website Flowercard has put together a glimpse of Mother’s Day celebrations done worldwide. Take a look.

12 Mother's Day traditions from around the world

How Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world


It’s such a big deal, that it’s said to be the busiest day in the restaurant industry for the whole country. And while they eat, mothers are serenaded by mariachi bands.


Mother’s Day in Thailand is celebrated on the same day as the Queen’s birthday, August 12th. The day is celebrated with special ceremonies in schools, which sometimes take weeks to prepare for. And the main gift that is given to mothers is jasmine.


A fairly recent phenomenon in that country, it largely follows the Western gift giving customs. However, Hindus also celebrate motherhood in October, during the 10 day Durga Puja festival. This festival celebrates the goddess Durga and the triumph over evil.


In Japan it used to be celebrated alongside the birthday of the Empress Kōjun, who ruled from 1926 – 1989. Nowadays it’s celebrated in May with the giving of carnations, which represents the gentle strength of mothers. Children also draw pictures of their mothers and take over household chores for the day.


Russian mothers are celebrated on March 8, International Women’s Day; a tradition carried over from the Soviet Union. As such, the day is about celebrating gender equality as much as it is about saying thanks to moms. And while it has been given its own day in November, this is still considered the main holiday.


The giving of flowers is a big part of this holiday here, where the particular flower of choice is the chrysanthemum. Why? Because it ends in mum.


In Ethiopia it’s aligned with the end of the rainy season, and forms part of the Antrosht festival. The day is celebrated with a huge feast, where daughters will bring vegetables, butter, spices and cheese; while sons will bring various meats such as lamb and bull, which will be prepared in a traditional hash recipe.


Mother’s Day in Serbia is part of a larger 3 day festival, which also includes Children’s Day and Father’s Day. One of the stranger aspects of this holiday is that mothers are tied up until they supply gifts and treats to the children.


Young children sell plastic flowers as gifts and use the money they make to to send their mothers on a small break.


Mother’s Day is a big deal here, as it falls on the same day as the Buddha’s birthday. This means that mothers take on an additionally holy meaning, with lots of lavish carnivals, fetes and parties.


Another country where Mother’s Day is taken very seriously, TV channels dedicate programming to festivities. The day is also used to pray and pay respect to mothers who are no longer with us.


In Nepal the festival of Mata Turtha Aunsi is celebrated. And in addition to gift giving, it also involves a traditional pilgrimage to the Mata Turtha ponds to honour mothers who have died.

How do you celebrate Mother’s Day where you’re from? Share your traditions with us.

Source: https://www.flowercard.co.uk/blog/around-the-world-in-12-mother-s-day-traditions-infographic