
Infographic: 5 ways to identify lying clients

Sometimes it’s not what people say, but how they say it. And there’s really nothing worse than lying clients who have a casual relationship with the truth—except one who won’t pay. Lying clients make life difficult for everyone and makes you look like a fool for trusting them.

For example, if a client says, “I can understand your offer” but you find one of his eyebrows raised, a crease between eyebrows and wrinkled nose, he probably doesn’t. The truth in what people really mean is revealed through micro-expressions, subtle changes in the face that happens in a fraction of a second; they’re the tell just before the person recovers to a lying expression that matches their lying words.

Professionals in certain fields, such as law enforcement, become trained in spotting liars, but the rest of us can still hone our detection sensors in everyday life. If you think they’re lying, OPENForum has produced an infographic to help you detect lying clients by reading their facial cues. Because once you understand how facial cues work, you can match your clients’ words to their actions and get to the truth every single time.

Check out this beginner’s guide to reading facial cues of your lying clients below and what your client is really telling you:

Infographic: 5 ways to identify lying clients

5 ways to detect lying clients by reading their facial cues

The client doesn’t understand your offer

The client says “I fully understand the offer”, but you see these facial cues:

  • One brow raised
  • Crease between eyebrows
  • Winkled nose

When you see these expressions, be sure to re-explain your proposal. Because if you don’t, it may get lost.

You lost the deal

If the client says “I’m signing off on this today”, but you see these cues:

  • Dropped shoulders
  • Eyes glancing down
  • Frown

When a client lies to avoid their own discomfort, ask if there’s anything else you can do to get the deal.

This client can’t afford your proposal

When you offer something that is more expensive than expected, look for these facial cues:

  • Wide eyes
  • Raised brow
  • Opened mouth

The client can’t afford your proposal, regardless of what they say.

The client feels you’re taking advantage of them

If the client says, “looks like a good deal”, but you see these:

  • Eyes squint
  • Nostrals flare

You’ll only get a deal when both sides feel they’re coming out on the winning side.

These clients are serious buyers

When the client says, “I’m ready to buy” and shows these facial cues:

  • Upper teeth exposed
  • Corner of the mouth turned up
  • Open mouth smile
  • Eyes open to their fullest
  • Eyebrows up high

This is the one you want. Congratulations, you’ve landed the client.

Have you had lying clients? Or has a client ever told you one thing, but ended up doing another? Share your experiences below and click here to learn some psychological tricks to get clients to buy your ideas.
