Ridiculous demands made by advertising clients

Clients often come up with ridiculous demands, but none more than to those in advertising and marketing.

Are you striving for happiness, but not sure how to get there? Learn the science behind it being happy

Chances are pretty good that your main goal in life is to end up happy. Is it accomplished through good finances, material goods, love, or something else entirely? And what is happiness exactly? Is it purely an emotion, or does being happy transcend just an in-the-moment chemical reaction?…

More unbelievable places on Earth

Not too long ago, I posted some of the most unbelievable places on Earth to visit before you die. Now I’m back with more places on Earth that you need to see. Check them out below.

What’s your designer star sign?

According to Creative Director Liza Enebeis, there are 12 types of designers out there. To do this, she consults her inner Zodiac to bring you your designer star sign. Find yours and discover what it has to offer.

Infographic: Crazy shit that people search for on Google

Have you ever started typing a legitimate search into Google, only to have a disturbing, funny, or crazy shit pop up as auto-complete suggestion? Why does this happen?

Photos that poke fun at silly United States laws

In the United States, there are both federal and state laws; each of the 50 states are allowed to formulate and implement their own laws. Some of these laws are rarely implemented and are even considered weird, controversial and obnoxious. While some are outlandish and…

The history of famous cookies from around the world

Cookies were first made after sugar became available as a baking ingredient about 1400 years ago. And did you know that over half of the cookies baked at home today are chocolate chip? But what about other famous cookies?

Infographic: The world’s deadliest animals

Sharks, lions and snakes may strike fear into your heart, but they do not even come close to being the deadliest animal on earth. Of the top ten deadliest creatures to humans, most are smaller than a Toonie! And sometimes distinguishing between a cute animal and deadly…

If our childhood cartoons were scientifically accurate

When you think back to your favourite cartoons of the 80s and 90s, you’re probably brought back to happier times filled with colour, innocence, and laughter. Well that’s about to change.

22 common phrases we all secretly hate

What makes a phrase cringe-worthy? The Huffington Post editors were asked which common phrases bother them the most. The common thread among the responses was uselessness. Often, the phrases that we find off-putting are those that serve as conversational fillers, implying that the speaker is vapid or…

Infographic: How to dress dapper in the modern age

Off-the-rack can’t compare with the bespoke tradition of having high quality, personalized goods made to your exact specifications. So, the website CustomMade has teamed up with Ghergich & Co. to create a useful guide that teaches us how to dress dapper in the modern age.