The 4 elements of a successful creative pitch

When doing a creative pitch, you've only got shot to win your client and ensure they don't reject your idea.

Boost your creativity with meditation pods

If you’re feeling stressed or having trouble sleeping because you’ve hit a creative block, maybe its time to try a Float Tank. Also known as floatation therapy, REST therapy (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) or sensory deprivation, floating involves lying in a pitch-black tank containing a salt-water…

A beer to help you reach your creative peak

Can beer make you more creative? Research suggests that yes, if you get just drunk enough you can boost brainpower.

Discover 40 different ways to stay creative

After a while, trying to be creative feels like beating a dead horse. However, if you’re in need of a little inspiration, this handy infographic may be just what you need. 

Creative astrological star signs made out of paper

There are some wonderful examples of paper art out there. Just because we live in a digital world doesn’t mean our love affair with paper has diminished.

Discover the simple ideas you can use to stimulate creativity

For people who generate ideas for a living, it is not uncommon to experience creativity ruts. To help you keep the creative juices flowing, Spanish ad agency SHOUT! Marketing has created an infographic, which lists a number of simple things that you can do everyday to stimulate the creative…