The 4 elements of a successful creative pitch
Coming up with creative ideas is easy; selling those ideas to strangers is the hard part. When doing a creative pitch, you’ve only got shot to win your client and ensure they don’t reject your idea.
Unfortunately, the client is already judging you before you even open your mouth. Research suggests that people can categorize others in less than a second. And within 30 minutes, they’ve made lasting judgments about your character. Therefore, in order to ensure your client judges you and your idea properly, the University of Southern California’s Online Master’s in Communication Management program has come up with a way to help.
In the following infographic titled Elements of a Successful Creative Pitch, USC details four elements to take note of when pitching ideas. They include style, format, content and chemistry. For example, get your audience prepared for your presentation by setting the stage; be sure to include walk-in music, a printed itinerary, welcome videos, even food. Just make sure to consider the best format for your presentation.
And build chemistry with your audience by including them in the creative pitch. This way you’re more likely to retain their attention and sell them on your pitch. With that in mind, check out the infographic below:

Elements of a successful creative pitch
A creative pitch, also known as a shootout in the advertising industry, is a formal presentation to promote ideas, services or products. The key elements of preparing a creative pitch are:
- Style
- Format
- Content
- Chemistry
Setting the stage with style
Style is all about the techniques that you use to present and how you own the room. Setting the stage for an impressive show includes pulling out all the stops, such as:
- Walk-in music
- Printed itinerary
- Welcome videos
- Pampering prospects with light refreshments
Using pictures or visual aids like PowerPoint will double the chances of success. And since presentations are a form of theatre, anecdotes and stories will create an engaging and memorable presentation.
Structure + organization = Format
The format of a presentation is just as important as its style. A key factor of format is structure, which could include casting several people for the presentation and using creative tools to capture audience. The presentation should be well organized with key points logically building on each other. Avoid talking down to prospective clients and use vocabulary that is easily understood.
Streamline the content
When it comes to content, less is more, and hyperbole should be avoided. Plan the content around the goal; it should lead to success or a solution. During the creative pitch, the content should brand the message.
There’s magic in chemistry
A successful creative pitch isn’t a monologue; it’s a dialogue between the presenter and the clients. Utilize POWN to measure the metrics of your presentation:
- Problems
- Opportunities
- Wants
- Needs
The presenter should research the prospective clients and the company to be able to identify with their philosophy or make a connection. Using the client’s own language to communicate ideas will help avoid objections and create chemistry.
If you still need a bit more help with your creative pitch, click here for tips on effective meetings.