Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs

You may remember a previous post about an illustrator who uses food items to finish his fashion sketches. This time I’m featuring Shamekh Bluwi, a Jordan-based architect and fashion illustrator. He uses clouds, buildings, and whatever else he finds to decorate his dress designs.

Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs

The designs are made on paper and then cut out to leave negative space for a pattern of whatever you hold them up against. Shamekh first got the inspiration for the idea during a trip to Dubai. From there, he wanted to somehow incorporate his travel experiences into his fashion illustrations. He decided to capture the cities he visited by turning them into clothing designs.

Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs

As a result, by holding the cutout against various landscapes, a single template to create an infinite number of patterns ranging from water and sky to buildings and doorways. Yet, despite their simplicity, his works are an inspiration for modern fashion designs; they’re both smart and resourceful. Take a look at a few more of his designs below or view Shamekh’s Instagram page for his collection.

Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs
