What happens on the Internet in real-time
What’s the most popular internet activity? Both social networking (37 minutes per day) and email (33 minutes) are at the top. But how much really happens in that time? By the time you finish reading this sentence, there will have been over 200,000 new Facebook posts, 22,000+ new tweets, 7,000 app downloaded, and about $9,000 worth of items sold on Amazon; depending on your reading speed, of course.
Astonishing right? Well, to illustrate this, PennyStocks has created a live infographic that shows the amount of activity happening on the Internet in real-time. If you visit the site, you’ll be able to see the amount of data being transferred online, the number of Google searches, Instagram uploads, likes and many more (all of which are updated every second).
Click the animation below to go directly to the infographic.
What’s the top activity you do online? I’m betting its social media. You can also learn how different generations consume content online.
Source: https://visual.ly/internet-real-time
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