Stylish Somerset bicycle transforms into handcart
The bicycle continues to be one of the most wonderful modes of human-powered transportation — especially if you live in the city. You can get where you need to go quickly and don’t have to pay for parking. Having it as a target for thieves is one of the downsides though. Another downside is that if you live in an apartment, storing your bicycle can be a bit awkward at times. This stylish bicycle design, however, works great for apartments.

The Somerset is a stylish and compact option for urban dwellers. With a circular steel structure and semi-arc frames, it can easily be transformed into a rollable handcart in just seconds. Designed by Taiwan-based industrial designer Kaiser Chang, the curved portion of the bike can be used to contain a special semi-circle shaped bag. There’s even an option to place a battery there to turn the whole thing into an electric bicycle. Using the unique oval-shaped tube as a slide rail, it allowing both wheels and the seat of the bike to tuck in neatly to become a handcart.

Prototypes of the Somerset have been made and the team is currently looking for manufacturers to make it a reality. Visit their website to read more about this folding bike.