If Google was a guy, what would you ask him?

When we want answers to a question that we don’t know, we search for it online. Google’s algorithms sort through the hundreds of billions of webpages to give us useful and relevant results in a fraction of a second.

How to hide the fact that you’ve just farted

What’s the best way to hide the fact that you’ve passed gas, farted, tooted, broke wind, or cut the cheese? With Thanksgiving coming up, I figured that this funny series from College Humor would come in handy.

Watch what happens when Facebook removes everything people complain about

Facebook has over a billion users and people still find things about to complain about. And I’m not just talking about trolls sharing their personal opinions; I’m talking about the user interface for the social media platform.

Everything that will kill you… from A to Z

Spoiler alert: We all die in the end. The only question is, what will kill you? Will it be natural causes or something unforeseen? One thing’s for sure, there are some pretty strange ways to die. For example, there are some unconventional murder weapons; and taking…

The international styles of kissing

A survey of 3,500 singles regarding their thoughts about kissing, found that most have dated a bad kisser. 73% of those singles polled, also claim they’ve been stuck in a bad kissing situation.

Do you think you should you shave today?

A popular method for both men and women, having a shave is a good short term fix for unwanted body hair. Waxing, however, requires a good level of hair growth (not too long, though) before it can be carried out. It’s also sometimes painful.

Do you think about sex every 7 seconds?

It’s been estimated that men think about sex every 7 seconds. If we believe the stats, thinking about sex every seven seconds adds up to 514 times an hour. Or approximately 7,200 times during the waking day. Is that a lot? I’m not sure, but…

What the world looks like, before and after a breakup

Saying goodbye to the person you were once close with after a breakup can be a hard thing to do. Chances are that we’ve all been there or know someone whose been in that situation. When it happens to you, it’s devastating. And while people can relate,…