The 10 best pickup lines that don’t sound like pickup lines

Using a pickup line to get a woman’s attention is something I wouldn’t recommend doing. I’m also pretty sure that any woman would probably tell you it’s an awful idea too. Pickup lines basically imply that you lack intelligence–that you don’t have that charm a women wants…

Truth Facts about our daily routines and habits

Each day you wake up and rush to get ready for work. You shower at lightning speed, wolf down your breakfast and grab your coffee before running out the door. After work, you eat dinner, sprawl out on the couch and binge Netflix. Then it’s…

Are you striving for happiness, but not sure how to get there? Learn the science behind it being happy

Chances are pretty good that your main goal in life is to end up happy. Is it accomplished through good finances, material goods, love, or something else entirely? And what is happiness exactly? Is it purely an emotion, or does being happy transcend just an in-the-moment chemical reaction?…

What’s your designer star sign?

According to Creative Director Liza Enebeis, there are 12 types of designers out there. To do this, she consults her inner Zodiac to bring you your designer star sign. Find yours and discover what it has to offer.

Photos that poke fun at silly United States laws

In the United States, there are both federal and state laws; each of the 50 states are allowed to formulate and implement their own laws. Some of these laws are rarely implemented and are even considered weird, controversial and obnoxious. While some are outlandish and…

22 common phrases we all secretly hate

What makes a phrase cringe-worthy? The Huffington Post editors were asked which common phrases bother them the most. The common thread among the responses was uselessness. Often, the phrases that we find off-putting are those that serve as conversational fillers, implying that the speaker is vapid or…

What the world looks like, before and after a breakup

Saying goodbye to the person you were once close with after a breakup can be a hard thing to do. Chances are that we’ve all been there or know someone whose been in that situation. When it happens to you, it’s devastating. And while people can relate,…

Can you imagine if women hit on men, like men hit on women?

I’m sure that most women know when a guy is hitting on them—it’s like a sixth sense. Whether it’s in the gym or the supermarket, and no matter what they look like, every women gets hit on from time to time. Which must be tiring.

A funny illustrated guide of chivalry for the modern man

In a world filled with late-night booty calls and infidelity, it’s easy to become jaded by today’s dating scene. Women expect the worst from men; proceeding cautiously during the first few months of dating. It becomes a relief for them when they then stumble upon those few true gentlemen.…

Learn offensive hand gestures from around the world you should avoid

Travelling around the world has plenty of benefits: seeing new places, experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. Well, if you’re going to travel off the beaten path, be careful; so much as a thumb in the wrong direction could prove to be a huge insult to…

Hold onto your wallet and check out America’s most expensive burgers

America is obsessed with burgers. From the Big Mac to what they serve up with a fistful of fries at diners, it’s become a daily staple for some. But what about the expensive burgers you get at upscale restaurants? Restaurants where the beef is exotic and handmade. Hold on…

How not to kill yourself using everyday household items

Do you ever wonder, “How much of this can I accidentally ingest before I die?” For your safety (and enjoyment) here’s a bunch of household items you should only enjoy in small quantities or not at all. Some things just don’t belong in your mouth. Don’t…