Cyclotron is the world’s first spokeless smart bicycle

Decades after the original Tron hit cinemas, it’s still influencing futuristic designs. The design of this smart bicycle is unmistakably based on Tron’s Light Cycle – namely its two illuminated, spokeless wheels. And if you’re riding the Cyclotron, you’ll probably feel like you’re cruising through a futuristic landscape.

Make reading magical with glow-in-the-dark bookmarks

Want to find your book in the dark? These bookmarks glow in the dark after briefly being exposed to light.

Everyday Backpack surpasses Kickstarter goal by 1200%

With comfort and functionality as priorities, lots of people now use backpacks for their everyday commute. Just throw it over the shoulders and go. You probably think that there’s not a lot of room to improve here. Well, that’s where you’d be wrong. These new Kickstater backpack is designed…

Temporary tattoos double as app and device controls

The wearable technology market has been flourishing in recent years. As that technology grows, so to does design and innovation. In the future, even your tattoos could be much more than just ink designs.

Draw electrical circuits with this silver ink pen

This may look like just a normal marker, but it’s much more than that. However using the conductive properties of silver found in the ink, you can turn your doodles into a functioning electrical circuit. 

Sliced lamps made from real firewood

There are many people who like sitting in front of an indoor or outdoor fireplace and enjoying each others company. In fact, humans have been using wood-based fires to keep ourselves warm for thousands of years. However for LA-based designer Paul Foeckler of Split Grain, a simple block…

Shazam-like handheld tool for font finding

This handheld tool captures typefaces — even colours — from the real world and searches for them online.

Unique page load GIFs help to distract users

Stop using the same old boring spinners for your page load interfaces. Seriously.

How to increase conversions on eCommerce sites

These factors help customers decide whether or not they’ll make a purchase from your website.

Create your own furniture using SPYNDI locking sticks

You can now build your own furniture in any shape you wish with locking wooden sticks.

Dry pool lets you float your workplace worries away

This dry pool allows you to float your worries away without the need to bring a bathing suit to work.

A blind artist creates a series of hypnotizing GIFs

This legally blind artist has raised the bar in the art of animated images with his ongoing series.