Infographic: Quirky road signs from around the world
Language continues to be a barrier when travelling abroad. Travellers, however, can at least rely on the simplicity of universally designed signs to guide them on their adventures. And while most road signs will tell you the speed limit or point you in the right direction, there are always some unusual — even quirky — signs that pop up along the way. For example, in Costa Rica there are signs to help slow-moving sloths safely cross the roads, and in Australia there are similar signs for penguins who make their way to the beach.
To shed light on these quirky road signs, UK-based travel website Netflights has created the following infographic that details 14 non-traditional road signs you might encounter when travelling from around the world.

14 quirky road signs from around the world
Moose attacks: Getting straight to the point this sign shows what could happen if you play chicken with a moose.
United States
Mosquito abductions: As giant mosquitos are thought to be Alaska’s unofficial state bird, funny warning signs have popped up to keep drivers alert on long drives.
Costa Rica
Take it slow: Spirit-animals for procrastinators the world over, the slow-moving sloth takes its time crossing the road. This sign lets drivers know to keep an eye open for any sloths making a risky road trip.
Skipping zone: At first glance you might think these signs warn drivers of sassy businessmen skipping across the street, but it’s actually alerting drivers to a school crossing.
Keep the coffees safe: Not immediately clear, this warning sign tells motorists to drive cautiously as waitresses may be crossing the road with hot drinks in hand.
No unexpected guests: It’s not nice being disturbed while relaxing at home, so it’s important to make sure you have a sign telling passers-by no drunk strangers please.
United Kingdom
Dancing in the streets: Many pedestrians love listening to music on the go. This temporary warning sign reminds drivers that headphone users may be lost in their music — so drive carefully.
Daleks this way: Only familiar to fans of the TV series Doctor Who, this sign points people to an exhibition via a simple nod to the show.
Doors shut and windows up: Warning drivers of hitchhiking baboons, this sign lets motorists know that they might pick up some unwelcome passengers on their journey.
Beware of the beetles: These signs warn drivers that they’re in a location where the flightless dung beetle — listed as ‘vulnerable’ — lives, since cars are their main cause of death.
Happy crabby: We’re used to school crossings and even duck crossings, but how about crab crossings? These signs keep crabs safe as they make the hazardous trips across roads in Japan.
No entry?: Instead of one small, simple sign marking pedestrians only, this sign notes everything else that isn’t allowed (including exploding trucks).
Beware the wildlife: Don’t worry, a kangaroo isn’t going to steal your car. This sign reminds drivers of the speed limit by referencing the increased chance of hitting wildlife when speeding.
Alert: Penguins: Not many countries are lucky enough to require permanent penguin crossing signs. These signs allow penguins safe passage to and from the beach.
Have you come across any of these unusual signs in your travels? Maybe if you’ve been to Sydney you’ve seen these humorous signs a local artist has been leaving around the city.