Old books turned into fairytale sculptures

We often think of pop-up books as a simple way to entertain kids (or at least we did before the iPad came along). However, they can be so much more than that. When done well, pop-up books can be engaging, imaginative, and even works of artistic brilliance. If you want…

Count down 2017 with a Scandinavian inspired calendar

Calendars usually take the form of small pads or wall hanging posters. Easily visible, they take up minimal space, making them ideal for office use. Now there’s a three-dimensional alternative that you can put on your desk, ready for 2017.

3D chalk art playfully interacts with street objects

Sidewalks are boring. If you live in the city, you’ll walk a lot of them and it’s usually not very interesting to look down. Usually. For nearly thirty years, Michigan-based artist David Zinn has created temporary illustrations with chalk and charcoal.

This book shows you how to fold sex-themed origami

If you really want to impress people with artistic paper folding skills beyond making paper airplanes, origami is the way to go. Origami is the art of paper folding and normally features animals shapes, flowers, and other designs. However, if standard origami is a bit too boring…

Amazing 3D anamorphic graffiti that appears to be floating

Portuguese street artist Sergio Odeith can create stunning 3D graffiti optical illusions that evoke the feeling of spatial depth. However, these two-dimensional artworks uses clever perspective and shading techniques to create anamorphic masterpieces.