Burger King offers Harry & Meghan its crown
While the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – may be trying to pay their own way and giving up the crown, another could be in their future. A wealth of interesting job offers have recently come to the couple including one from Burger King in Argentina. BK is getting in on the royal PR cycle by asking Harry and Meghan to don a different kind of crown — one of the paper variety.
BK has long shown that it isn’t fit for clowns, but royalty. The fast-food chain has teamed up with advertising agency HOY to produce an amusing print ad suggesting that Burger King was presenting its crown to the Harry, who is presumably job-hunting.

The poster reads, “Dear Dukes, if you are looking for a job, we have a new crown for you.”
An accompanying letter describes, “We found out that the Prince and Duchess decided to give up their roles in the royal family and will work to become financially independent. So, we have a proposition for you: do as thousands of people and take the first steps in the workforce with us. You know the crown will suit you perfectly. Also, after many years living as dukes, it is time for you to start eating like kings.”

The note comes with a code that aspiring “dukes” can scan with their phones to access Burger King’s employment page. As of now, there has been no official word from the royals whether they will accept the fast-food jobs. Burger King UK also shared a similar message upon hearing about the couple stepping back from their royal positions. It tweeted, “You can still eat like a king with us, Harry.”
Sources: https://www.adsoftheworld.com/media/print/burger_king_dear_dukes