Digital megaliths rise from ruins of a Japanese bathhouse

Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins is comprised of column-like structures that appear to burst out of the floor.

New Zealand City Council defends $98K smiley face rebrand

The Porirua City logo is described by the Taxpayers' Union as a "limp and childlike smiley face."

Handcrafted beach jewellery made from sand and resin

Using real beach sand and blue resin, each piece looks like a tiny, wearable beach that wearers can take with them.

Surreal plant sculptures look like a garden of death

Life-like sculptures created with a combination of faux greenery and real natural elements.

Graffiti artist transforms buildings into surreal 3D art

Using a variety of shading, gradients and shadows, static buildings become visually-striking optical illusions.

Amazing sculptures made out of driftwood by Jeffro Uitto

Jeffro Uitto is able to bend wood to his imagination in such a cool way that it doesn't begin to compare to others.

Artist turns dried leaves into delicate crochet artworks

These delicate crochet artworks pay tribute to the enduring beauty of nature.

Detailed balloon sculptures by Masayoshi Matsumoto

This artist blows and twists balloons into a wide range of intricately formed balloon sculptures.

Instagram page shares amazing creations from designers

Topdezigners is an Instagram page that reposts gorgeous sleek, modern, and innovative designs.

Intricate, 3D lace-patterned sculptures of animals

These multilayered animal portraits look amazing in photographs, but are even more impressive in Facebook's 3D photos.

Artist uses graffiti to bring fine art paintings to the streets

Julio Anaya Cabanding takes well-known masterpieces and recreates them in urban environments.

No money to travel? Photoshop yourself a trip with ‘Fake A Vacation’

Fake A Vacation allows Instagramming wannabes to have a photo of themselves appearing like they're on vacation.