Infographic: How to win any argument

One of life’s more difficult emotional situations is an argument. Whether it’s with someone you love, despise, or don’t even know, conflict can get your blood boiling. Some people go to great lengths to avoid conflict of any kind, while others are just itching to give…

The most beautiful words in the English language

English may not be one of those romantic languages, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have beautiful words. Recently, Daniel Dalton of Buzzfeed took to Twitter where he asked people for their favourite words in the English language.

WTF are you doing with your life: This website doles out life advice

Feeling lost and unsure of what to do in life? Then check out this website that doles out useful life advice to get you back on track.

The weird devices found on the Internet of useless things

The internet is full of useful information—and porn… lots of porn. But it’s also full of pointless information and ideas. For every energy-saving smart thermostat and weight-reducing fitness band, there’s a fork that tracks​ your chew rat​e, a cloud-connected bookmark, and an emergency pizza slice pouch. And that’s…

Internet censorship: Where in the world can you see this?

Most people consider access to the internet to be a right, not a privilege. In fact, Canada has declared high-speed broadband internet access a “basic telecommunications service” that every citizen should be able to access. However, for many across the world, internet censorship means they are unable to fully communicate…

Humorously pointless missing posters

Once upon a time, before the Internet, people relied on flyers, missing posters, and community spirit to help them find their lost pets. They’ve also used to spread the word about cool events going down around the neighbourhood. Nowadays however, public announcement posters are just basically…

Instagram account mocks inspirational quotes and clichés

For those on social media who overuse them, please stop with the inspirational quotes and clichés. Certain bits of “wisdom” have been overused; and they weren’t that great to begin with.

IKEA instructions humorously depict handling real life situations

Are you having trouble figuring out exactly how to behave in certain situations? Have no fear, IKEA is here. Actually, UK-based artist James Chapman is here with a humorous illustrated series of IKEA instructions. They demonstrate the dos and do nots of handling situations in…

Unconventional murder weapons that were actually used

Humans seem to have a morbid fascination with death—and with that, ways of killing people. Have you ever thought about murder? If so, how would you do it and what would you use?

Now and then: Cultural and technology trends

Cultural, lifestyle and technology trends come and go. But some trends end up evolving over time. For example, a smartphone can now do the job of a camera, television, game console, cassette player, and calculator. 

The shocking things that happen every minute

Have you ever wondered what wonders could happen in a mere 60 seconds? Well, in this infographic by Minute of Life, it shows us 15 amazing things that happen every minute across the world.

Everything that will kill you… from A to Z

Spoiler alert: We all die in the end. The only question is, what will kill you? Will it be natural causes or something unforeseen? One thing’s for sure, there are some pretty strange ways to die. For example, there are some unconventional murder weapons; and taking…