How to deal with conflict in the workplace

Workplaces are full of different personalities that can make them buzz with conversation and productivity. However, when working in close quarters, it’s inevitable that they will eventually end in conflict. If these workplace conflicts aren’t dealt with immediately and effectively, the constant battle of wills…

Office survival kit helps you destroy your bullying boss

Regardless of your industry, you’re bound to encounter a bullying boss who goes out of their way to make your life a living nightmare.

What are the best careers for introverts and extroverts?

Do you identify yourself as an introvert or an extrovert? These are the two types of people you can find people in most workplaces. And because of the particular traits displayed by each personality type, they tend to work in different ways.

Learn how to properly charge your clients

Determining how to properly charge your clients is not only one of the most important tasks for a freelancer, it’s also one of the most stressful. After all, if you charge too little, you can’t pay your bills; if you charge too much, they may look for…

How to make your portfolio website stand out from the crowd

If you want to be discovered for your creative abilities, the quickest and easiest way is online. A portfolio website—with assistance from social media—is the best way to show the world what you can do. In fact, it can even help attract the attention of…

Why you should wear the same thing to work every day

Throughout the work week we’re confronted with thousands of decisions, both big and small; whether its choosing between #0099FF and #3399FF, or deciding to entirely change careers. With every decision you make, you’re using up the finite supply of mental energy allocated to you each day.…

Business card etiquette and design from around the world

A business card offers a first impression of you and—by association—your business to potential clients. In fact, they’re one of the most important marketing tools you can have. Therefore, having a unique, professionally crafted business card will make you stand out from the competition. And,…

How career choices and your personality type relate

Have you ever wondered if your personality type affects where you land a job or end up in a certain field? Did you know that your personality type can predict how much money you’ll make, how many people you’ll supervise, even if you’ll like your…

Only designers will understand these GIFs

The design world has its ups and downs. There are pain-in-the-ass clients, the frustration of being asked to work for free, but also the little victories you can achieve during a project. So, to highlight these ups and downs, Creative Market has put together a collection of animated…

10 tips to improve your design portfolio

You'll never know what opportunities you missed out on because someone landed on your tired, old portfolio.

Infographic: The five levels of business attire

Believe it or not, dressing for work is a tricky business and many people actually do it wrong. In fact, picking the proper business attire doesn’t depend solely on your rank in the company, but your age and the type or work you do as…

How to endorse yourself during a job interview

Does the mere thought of a job interview make you feel stressed? Are you worried about the types of questions the interviewer is going to throw at you or saying something stupid? This stress can push us to tell lies during an interview.