Which beers to pair with your favourite ice cream this summer
Father’s Day was introduced as a way to honour fathers around the world, fatherhood, and paternal bonds. And what do most fathers enjoy? Well, beer of course. And how about a scoop of your favourite ice cream to go with it? To help dads celebrate their special day, Baskin-Robbins and All About Beer Magazine have teamed up to honour them in a frosty and flavourful way.
Until recently, food and beverage pairings were almost always about finding the best wine to go with a particular dish. However, in recent years, people’s tastes have become more sophisticated and they’re open to new sensations — as the abundance of food shows have proven. This new willingness to try new things has helped to change what we think about pairings. Thus, the Baskin-Robbins and All About Beer Magazine team have created the following infographic identifying 10 beer and ice cream pairings; All of which, I’m pretty sure will satisfy your warm weather palate.
“At first glance, you might not think of pairing beer and ice cream together. but once people gave a chance to taste these combinations, they will see how well the different flavours complement one another,” All About Beer editor John Holl said in a press release.
Beer and ice cream pairings may seem unusual, but they’re not unheard of. In fact, some restaurants periodically offer floats with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a mug with stout or porter. And even though the following flavour combinations are meant to celebrate Dads ahead of Father’s Day, everyone can enjoy them. So if you have a penchant for sugar and hops, try mint chocolate chip with a coffee porter, or cherries jubilee with barley wine. There’s sure to be a combo for everyone, and these hot months are perfect to kick back with a cold beer and a scoop of your favourite ice cream.

Favourite ice cream and beer pairings
Jamoca Almond Fudge & Blueberry Ale
Brewers are taking the sweat, tangy, earthy blueberry and adding it to caramel-tinged ales, making it a perfect complement to this frozen coffee, nutty, chocolatey concoction. Lively fruit flavours pair wonderfully with the chocolate flavoured ribbon.
Pralines ‘n Cream & Pilsner or Mango Ale
The classic pilsner style, with sweet cereal-like malt, takes the place of a cone when paired with this southern-style treat. Additionally, one of the most popular beer styles this summer is mango-flavoured pale ales and India pale ales. The nuttiness and sweetness of the ice cream balance out some of the more assertive beer flavours.
Peanut Butter ‘n Chocolate Doppelbock
Nutty and creamy with an assertive chocolate base, this favourite ice cream brings out the best in this malt-flavoured dark brown lager.
Cherries Jubilee & Barleywine
A barleywine coaxes out the rich, cherry and rum flavour in the ice cream. Bittersweet and leather flavours emerge as well, begging for this combo to be enjoyed in dad’s favourite leather chair.
Mint Chocolate Chip & Coffee Porter or Stout
Ale already has come cocoa and java flavours and it mixes nicely with the roast of the chocolate chips and the herbal, cool mint of this favourite ice cream flavour.
Chocolate & Belgium Quad
This beer is bursting with flavours that love chocolate. Two classics with great depth and rich sweetness that only get better with each lick and sip.
Watermelon Splash Ice & Gose
Gose is brewed with wheat and is predicted to be the beer of the summer, making it a perfect companion to the hot weather staple — watermelon. Look for variations of Gose that already include cucumber, prickly pear, and yes, even watermelon flavours.
Vanilla & Peach Lambic
Sweet and creamy vanilla gets a boost from the lambic, which is fermented with peaches and aged in barrels. Slightly spicy and effervescent, the fruity character of the ale will act as a sauce for the ice cream. This lambic style helps create the classic peaches and cream combination.
Rocky Road & Foreign Extra Stout
A candy-lovers dream. The stout has sweet chocolate, rich espresso and generic red berry flavours that party hard with the almond, marshmallow and deep chocolate of the ice cream. Rocky Road adds creaminess to the hearty beer and this combination makes for an excellent ice cream beer float.
Very Berry Strawberry & Hefeweizen
Bright, vibrant strawberry mixes with the banana esters in the classic German Hefeweizen. The sweet berry will also help control the assertive spicy bite of the clove flavour found in the beer and counter the acidity found in the lemon wedge often served as a garnish on the rim of the glass.
And if you really want to go all-out for Father’s Day, Baskin-Robbins is also celebrating Dads with its “Cold One Cake” — a favourite ice cream cake that’s shaped like a beer mug.

Source: http://allaboutbeer.com/beer-and-ice-cream-pairings/