
Street artist leaves ironic messages all over the UK

Street artist Mobstr wanted to see how long it would take before city workers removed the poorly-painted word rats from a canal-side wall. He was shocked that it stayed up for 13 months; it was only removed when the wall in Stratford, east London, was demolished.

“I found it amusing and I was curious to see how far I could get.”

Mobstr is a good example that not everyone who write on walls are vandals. Employing stencils, this British artist posted ironic messages that poke fun at social norms across the UK. His latest creations display his satirical and offbeat vision of the world by changing the way we view public space. Mobstr reminds us that our possession-obsessed desires aren’t necessarily answers to life.

Take a look at some of his ironic messages that are impossible to walk by without noticing.

Mobstr ironic messages

Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK Mobstr leaves ironic messages all over the UK

For more humorous messages—this time in Australia—check out these signs.
