Witty comic shows how differently ideas are perceived

This witty comic describes the differences between how designers and clients perceive ideas.

How parents can make a difference in a creative child’s life

There are many ways to define creativity; putting things together in unique ways, or seeing the a given problem with fresh eyes. And while we all solve problem in creative ways, encouraging it in others can make a big difference.

What different generations used for wasting time

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. With nearly all of us owning some type of smart device, we can spend endless hours wasting time online. 

The pros and cons of dating a programmer

Are you single? Are you looking for someone who likes to strip, touch, finger, unzip, and mount? If you know I’m talking about Linux commands, then you must be a programmer.

Why owning a PC is like owning a dog

Did you know that PCs and dogs have lots in common? Well, OK, owning PCs and dogs are mostly similar – until you get to the part where you have to consider buying a new one. 

What the world looks like, before and after a breakup

Saying goodbye to the person you were once close with after a breakup can be a hard thing to do. Chances are that we’ve all been there or know someone whose been in that situation. When it happens to you, it’s devastating. And while people can relate,…

Humorous comic depicts the styles of writing

No matter what the genre, a good writer needs to set the mood for their readers. Understanding the different styles of writing can give perspective into taking a blank page and figuring out how to mix things up to get the words flowing.