Handy skills you might need to future-proof your career

By 2030, about 800 million jobs around the world will be replaced by bots. Is your job secure?

Become a better writer with these 15 ways to write faster

Sometimes it seems as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all your work done—especially if you’re a writer. Some people are writing machines; they get an idea, pound it out in minutes, and move on to something else. For most of us,…

How Art Directors and Copywriters can avoid annoying each other

If you’ve ever been part of a creative team, you know that partnerships in advertising are not unlike marriage. Once the Art Director and Copywriter pair up, it takes a serious commitment to avoid annoying each other. Deciding to officially tie your careers together means doing…

It’s time to play Ad Agency Bingo

There’s no need to be bored at work. If you’re tired of working long hours in temperature controlled rooms while tolerating the obnoxious nomenclature, you haven’t played Ad Agency Bingo yet.