IKEA wants to send you to Denmark for free to experience Hygge culture

IKEA wants to send someone to live in Copenhagen for two weeks to explore what makes its residents so happy.

Find your painting doppelgänger with Google Arts and Culture app

The Google Arts and Culture platform hosts images of millions of pieces of art, ranging from prehistory to the contemporary. The app, which first appeared in app stores back in 2016, has mostly gone under the radar until now.

25 potential culture shocks from around the world

Don’t flush your toilet paper and never finish your food or you’ll seem rude. When traveling to other countries for the first time, some local practices might come as potential culture shocks to foreigners. This handy infographic reveals surprising habits and social faux pas from around the world.

What not to do when visiting certain countries

Even though some of these customs may seem queer from a foreign perspective, it’s still important to respect the culture in one’s host country.

Now and then: Cultural and technology trends

Cultural, lifestyle and technology trends come and go. But some trends end up evolving over time. For example, a smartphone can now do the job of a camera, television, game console, cassette player, and calculator. 

Fashion styles around the world in 80 hats

All cultures of the world use the clothes they wear to define how they live, work, and respect their history. Featuring 80 culturally significant hats around the world, booking website Venere has created an infographic that allows you to discover a lot about a country’s history and culture…