Having a strong logo can create significant value; and that’s no less true in the automotive industry. In fact, car logos are among the most widely recognized amongst brands across the world. But have you ever wondered about what’s behind the creation and evolution of famous car…
A fan of The Beatles, Tumblr user Lexi wanted to pay tribute to her favourite band. Using her knowledge of the band, she imagined each letter of the alphabet corresponding to a word that relates to their legendary history, band member’s name, or song title.
All cultures of the world use the clothes they wear to define how they live, work, and respect their history. Featuring 80 culturally significant hats around the world, booking website Venere has created an infographic that allows you to discover a lot about a country’s history and culture…
Cookies were first made after sugar became available as a baking ingredient about 1400 years ago. And did you know that over half of the cookies baked at home today are chocolate chip? But what about other famous cookies?