Watch: 10 novice Photoshop mistakes to avoid

If you rely on Photoshop for part of your day-to-day work, chances are that you’ve picked up some useful tips and tricks from online tutorials. And while these lessons are sure to improve your skills, it’s also useful to know what Photoshop mistakes to avoid.

That’s where this new video from the YouTube channel tutvid comes in. “10 things you must avoid doing In Photoshop CC”  lists the most common mistakes that crop up in Photoshop projects among designers. Instead of highlighting basic mistakes you’re probably familiar with, the video concentrates on more technical issues. They include beveled and embossed text, selective colour techniques, and non-destructive healing.

Unlike a lot of YouTube tutorials, this one is easy to watch thanks to its good production values and a host who clearly knows what he’s talking about. All of this makes an entertaining and informative lesson that’s bound to take your Photoshop projects more productive.

10 things you must avoid doing In Photoshop CC

  1. Bevel and Emboss (1:27)
  2. Selective Color (4:39)
  3. Over-Whitening Teeth (6:23)
  4. Exporting any Code for Web Design (8:48)
  5. Too much HDR/Unsharp Mask/High Pass/Clarity (10:14)
  6. Retouching Directly on a Layer (13:22)
  7. Applying Adjustments to a Layer (15:50)
  8. Applying Filters Directly to a Layer (17:25)
  9. Not using TypeKit (19:58)
  10. Bad Selection Edges for a Composite (22:10)
