Is your office suffering from ‘telephonophobia’?

Many people share a fear of phone calls, indicating that telephonophobia is becoming increasingly prevalent - especially in the workplace.

5 ways to flip your fear of office arguments

Have you ever been in a disagreement and thought, “This person just doesn’t get it”? It may be true.

Famous creatives lesser-known hobbies & side gigs

Many famous creatives have side gigs or hobbies to help them relax and be more creative.

Washington’s Metro launches ad about manspreading

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority asks manspreaders to think about the comfort of other passengers.

Reusable mesh produce bags are a sustainable shopping alternative

Reusable mesh produce bags are a sustainable alternative to plastic produce bags.

Write people up for design offences with the Typographic Ticket Book

Is someone using terrible kerning, stretching type or did you get a client brief in the dreaded Comic Sans? Don’t despair. The next time someone commits design offences, you can write them up with this Typographic Ticket Book.

Suntory’s non-alcoholic colourless beer lets you drink judgement-free

The colourless beverage trend in Japan includes drinks like yogurt drinks, milk tea, coffee, and most recently, beer. On June 19th, Japanese drinks giant Suntory is launching a non-alcoholic colourless beer; packaged in a plastic bottle, the company hopes it will be particularly popular with…

Volkswagen anti-texting & driving campaign turns crashed cars into phone cases

Taking your eyes off the road while driving, even for a second, could lead to disaster. When it comes to distracted driving, texting is becoming the number one concert. In fact, Canadians say that texting while driving is one of the biggest threats to their personal…

The 4 traits of good vs great designers

There are plenty of bad designers out there, but there are also lots of good ones. A good designer is someone who has an eye for what works and what doesn’t; they’re more than confident with their design skills and can adapt to what’s asked…

Spotify reveals 2017 users’ most embarrassing listening habits

The popular streaming service Spotify has once again erected a number of billboards that expose the shameless listening habits of some of its users. Titled 2018 Goals, the new campaign proves that clearing out your “recently played” just isn’t enough anymore. 

Giant London billboard knows your car, even how you’re feeling

Many drivers and pedestrians have become used to tuning out billboard advertisements. But what if those billboards could serve up ads to you based on your vehicle, or even how you’re feeling? One London billboard is trying just that.

22 Deadly sins of graphic design

Starting any graphic design project requires preparation. There are briefs to follow, theories to consider, and deadly sins to avoid. So if you’re thinking about using Comic Sans or flattening your Photoshop file, think again.