The differences between Canadian & US Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy food, friends, and family. As millions of Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving, I couldn’t help but wonder the differences between the Canadian and American holidays?

Curious dinner table customs from around the world

“Sit up straight, don’t put your elbows on the table.” If you’re like me, then table manners were something that we were taught at a young age. However, your dinner table etiquette at home might come across as unrefined, snobbish or even rude in other…

Snickers swaps out its name for hunger symptoms

You can now call out those friends who get irritable when hunger strikes by handing the a Snickers. Following the trend toward of personalized packaging like Coca Cola, Snickers is replacing its brand name on their packaging.

You can now bottle the scent of the dearly departed into perfume

Smell is one of the most powerful senses in the human body. In fact, it’s closely linked with memory and can spark vivid recollection of nostalgic moments from our past; scent can remind us of places, even people in our lives. Therefore, when we lose someone, belongings…

Office survival kit helps you destroy your bullying boss

Regardless of your industry, you’re bound to encounter a bullying boss who goes out of their way to make your life a living nightmare.

Miniature scenes of summer captured in jewellery

Labour Day passed, the kids back to school and summer is wrapping up. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take the memory of season and wear them wherever you go.

It’s time to play Ad Agency Bingo

There’s no need to be bored at work. If you’re tired of working long hours in temperature controlled rooms while tolerating the obnoxious nomenclature, you haven’t played Ad Agency Bingo yet.

Why you should wear the same thing to work every day

Throughout the work week we’re confronted with thousands of decisions, both big and small; whether its choosing between #0099FF and #3399FF, or deciding to entirely change careers. With every decision you make, you’re using up the finite supply of mental energy allocated to you each day.…

How big brands use colour to affect your emotions

More than just text and symbols, a logo has the power to create a lasting connection with consumers.

How career choices and your personality type relate

Have you ever wondered if your personality type affects where you land a job or end up in a certain field? Did you know that your personality type can predict how much money you’ll make, how many people you’ll supervise, even if you’ll like your…

Funny graphics of 2 cows explaining economics

Economics has become increasingly relevant in our globalized society. When we think economy, we think about everything from our personal finances to business and international trade deals. Economics deals with a lot of things including money and borrowing, production and consumption, trade, employment, and much…

Carlsberg’s limited edition, beer-infused grooming products

Do you like your beer? I find it especially good on a warm summer’s day. But would you swap your favourite shampoo for beer? That’s what Carlsberg is hoping with their new line of beer-infused male grooming products created at their Copenhagen-based Carlsberg Laboratory.