Bloomberg reveals the deadliest jobs in America

What do you think are the deadliest jobs where you are? Since America introduced the Occupational Safety and Health Act back in 1970, workplace standards have improved. However, while job fatalities have declined by more than 60 percent since then, some jobs remain far more…

Phone etiquette rules every professional should follow

Presenting a professional image, both on the phone and in person, is very important.

Watch how to survive in a free falling elevator

For millions of people, riding in an elevator is an everyday occurrence. And if you’ve ever watched a disaster movie or nervously glanced at a maximum load capacity, you’ve probably wondered what how you’d survive being trapped in a falling elevator.

10 humorous confessions of a guilty designer

Even if you're a diligent designer, you've probably committed at least one or two design sins.

How to impress your partner in the bedroom

Whether you’re in a relationship or a bit of a player, everyone wants to impress their partner in the bedroom. That’s why Carvaka has created an infographic that lists 10 different methods to impress both women and men.

21 things worth the price of a Gold Apple Watch

Apple products are overpriced; iPhones are marked up 300%, but people still line up the day before to get their hands on one. And by now you’ve heard the outrageous price tag of the Gold Apple Watch which ranges from CDN$13,000 to $22,000.

Things clients say when wanting cheaper work

There’s no doubt that you’ll come across clients who make ridiculous demands. And sure, designers might tell little lies to avoid having to deal with those demands. But what do you do when a client comes to you wanting cheaper work?

Boost your creativity with meditation pods

If you’re feeling stressed or having trouble sleeping because you’ve hit a creative block, maybe its time to try a Float Tank. Also known as floatation therapy, REST therapy (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) or sensory deprivation, floating involves lying in a pitch-black tank containing a salt-water…

7 common sleep mistakes you don’t know you’re making

Are you a restless sleeper or do you have trouble sleeping? Common sleep mistakes you’re making might mean you’re not getting enough sleep, which can harm our health; it’s essential if we want to be productive throughout the day.

NSFW: What would happen if Carlsberg did erotic drama

Your typical beer ad contains some form of sexual innuendo or another. But what happens if a beer company was able to blur the lines of alcohol advertising and take it to the next level? You’d get this erotic drama from Danish-brewer Carlsberg.

Burger King cologne wants you to smell like a Whopper

Do you really enjoy the smell of Burger King’s Whopper? I mean really enjoy it? Well, now you can walk around smelling like a Whopper all day with a cologne called Flame-Grilled. The fragrance, released by Burger King Japan, will be on sale starting April…

American Egg Board wants you to wake up to eggs and… Kevin Bacon

In its latest campaign to get Americans to start their day with eggs, the American Egg Board decided to pair eggs with back — Kevin Bacon to be exact. Actor Kevin Bacon has traded off the whole six degrees thing in ads for years, but now…