Snickers pokes fun at Photoshop fails in new ads
Proofing your ad before it goes to publication is an important step in advertising. It gives both clients and designers one last chance to review the ad and spot potential disasters, because placing an ad in a magazine containing major photoshop fails could be a nightmare for many brands. Not Snickers, however, as these poorly edited ads by BBDO New York, were done intentionally.
While this year’s one of three front covers for Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue features plus-size model Ashley Graham, the back covers contain humorous Photoshop errors by Snickers. The two different ads show a model who’s been retouched almost perfectly, except for a few things that that the designer screwed up because he or she was hungry.
The two ads feature one of the brand’s Hunger Bars, which have the Snickers name replaced on the packaging. According to one the brand message: “Photo retouchers get CONFUSED when they’re hungry.” The other back cover contains another one of its Photoshop fails showing a model being overly windblown by a wind machine with the message: “Wind machine operators get LOOPY when they’re hungry.”
Snickers claims there are 11 retouching errors in the image and they’re asking fans to tweet @Snickers if they can find them all. I’ve caught 9 on my first pass. Take a look at the ads below, see how many errors you can find, and share them with us.

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