Advertising agency life roasted like BBQ items

If industry talk is to be believed, job-seekers should run for the hills rather than risk their sanity on ad agency life.

Absurd life quotes that everyone can relate to

A Tumblr blog has created the following collection of humorousone-liners about human habits.

Designer humorously responds to client request to “Make the logo bigger”

“Making the logo bigger!” is a painful punchline among designers worldwide. In fact, this common client request is loathed almost as much as “Looks great. Can you make this one minor change: try the logo with Helvetica?”

A satirical look at the real meaning of words

You know there are words that sound the same but have different meanings; like their, they’re, and there. But what about words that have another meaning when in different context.

An alphabet poster series inspired by The Beatles

A fan of The Beatles, Tumblr user Lexi wanted to pay tribute to her favourite band. Using her knowledge of the band, she imagined each letter of the alphabet corresponding to a word that relates to their legendary history, band member’s name, or song title.

Hilarious images poke fun at hipster motivational posters

If you’re regularly on social media, you certainly get a good dose of the usual hipster motivational posters posted on Facebook, Tumblr or Instagram. The pattern used to create these trivial posters is always the same: a heavy processed or filtered photo, with a motivational sentence placed somewhere…