Do you want to be a ruthless dictator? Psychologists believe the dark triad of personality — Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy – might help you succeed in life.
Boxing Day was once the time for shopping deals to be found, but that has changed. Black Friday, once a one day tradition for bargains, now stretches from American Thanksgiving until the following Monday, now referred to as Cyber Monday.
How much do you need to make in a year to be considered wealthy? While most Americans have varying ideas on the subject, most say you need to bring in at least $1 million per year.
There are certain expectations associated with everyday life, like eating a good meal or sleeping well. However, expectation and reality are often two very different things.
Does the mere thought of a job interview make you feel stressed? Are you worried about the types of questions the interviewer is going to throw at you or saying something stupid? This stress can push us to tell lies during an interview.
Vending machines have evolved from the days of old candy and stale coffee; they’re now changing the way we live our lives. But if you think they still only stocked with snacks, think again. These days, vending machines distribute all sorts of goods.
You know there are words that sound the same but have different meanings; like their, they’re, and there. But what about words that have another meaning when in different context.