Subtle body language tricks to make you instantly likeable

Verbal cues aren’t the only way that humans express what they’re thinking or feeling. In fact, we express a lot through visual cues given off by our body language. It also plays a large factor in the type of impression we make on others.

Learn the reason why we pretend to be busy

Chances are that throughout your day someone has asked you, “hey, are you busy?“ And whether you were or not, your answer was probably yes. But why?

Clever ads show how smartphone obsession hurts those around us

According to researchers, the average person is so engrossed in their smart device that they can no longer accurately read how people are feeling. Those same people also have such an obsession with their devices that they’ve forgotten how to properly interact with people in…

How to be the jerk on your design team

When you’re working on your own, there’s a sense of freedom to do things your way on your time. However, if you’re working as part of a design team, it’s easy for personalities to clash.

What not to say on your first day at work

It's natural to want to fit in. However, many people end up trying too hard, and talk when they should listen.

The 2 types of email users: Which are you?

All email users have their own unique habits, it seems. I’ve known some who have to read every single email that comes through their inbox. And I’ve known others who have completely opposite habits, only checking what’s at the top… sometimes.

Analyzing the signatures of tech entrepreneurs

Your signature is unique to you. It’s a mark that represents you on important documents; something that allows people to trust that what it represents came from you. But did you know that signatures can indicate over 5,000 personality traits?

Phone etiquette rules every professional should follow

Presenting a professional image, both on the phone and in person, is very important.

10 humorous confessions of a guilty designer

Even if you're a diligent designer, you've probably committed at least one or two design sins.

Things clients say when wanting cheaper work

There’s no doubt that you’ll come across clients who make ridiculous demands. And sure, designers might tell little lies to avoid having to deal with those demands. But what do you do when a client comes to you wanting cheaper work?

Infographic: Handshakes around the world

Most people understand that you have one chance to make a first impression. How you give your handshakes and/or greetings are part of that impression. Giving handshakes, however simple it sounds, can mean serious business, especially when different cultures have their own rules about how…

Infographic: 5 ways to identify lying clients

Sometimes it’s not what people say, but how they say it. And there’s really nothing worse than lying clients who have a casual relationship with the truth—except one who won’t pay. Lying clients make life difficult for everyone and makes you look like a fool for…