Are you into the ugly sweater trend? If not, try a different look this holiday season. Christmas baubles are usually meant for trees, but large-bearded men are using them to decorate their face instead.
There are many ways to define creativity; putting things together in unique ways, or seeing the a given problem with fresh eyes. And while we all solve problem in creative ways, encouraging it in others can make a big difference.
Cyclists know that you need to keep hydrated. And to make sure that you don’t run dry, industrial design student Kristof Retezár has designed a prototype self-filling water bottle. How? It turns air into water while you ride a moving bicycle.
Are you usually less productive in the morning? For me, mornings are time to get things done before the workday begins. However, great mornings don’t just happen, they’re planned. They’re also about creating a routine that works; keeping you inspired and not just wired.
You can pick your friends, you can’t pick your family and for the most part, you can’t pick your co-workers. Even if you could, it’s hard to see through the veneer of professional behaviour most people put on for a job interview. Worst of all, unlike with irritating acquaintances,…
Could you start the day without your morning Double-Double? Is it out of habit or do we really believe that a morning coffee will increase our productivity at work?
The 1980s were filled with bright colours, leg warmers, soft rock and a surfer mentality; it became a decade that embraced the fun in life without any of the hassle. If you’re looking to relive those glory days or learn how your parents talked, this…
Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. With nearly all of us owning some type of smart device, we can spend endless hours wasting time online.
To promote the affordability of German online sex shop’s love-making products, Hamburg-based ad agency Jung von Matt has created a naughty print ad.
Sex is used to sell everything from automobiles to real estate, hamburgers, and everything in between. But do people really buy a product just because it has sexually stimulating imagery attached to it? And more importantly, do they respond to it regardless?
Cultural, lifestyle and technology trends come and go. But some trends end up evolving over time. For example, a smartphone can now do the job of a camera, television, game console, cassette player, and calculator.