Now and then: Cultural and technology trends

Cultural, lifestyle and technology trends come and go. But some trends end up evolving over time. For example, a smartphone can now do the job of a camera, television, game console, cassette player, and calculator. 

A Harry Potter-inspired invisibility cloak

Invisibility is usually the stuff of science fictional, but researchers in the US claim to have created an invisibility cloak. Inspired by Harry Potter’s iconic cloak, scientists from the University of Rochester have created a cloaking device. But, unlike Harry’s cloak, the scientists used a combination of four standard lenses for…

Make crossing the road fun with dancing pedestrian signals

We’ve all done it; waiting for a traffic light to turn, checking to see if it’s clear, then doing the mad dash for the other side of the street. It’s not the safest move. Creatively taking on the question of “how can we make our cities…

An elegant bicycle you won’t be able to steal

Thanks to three engineering students from Chile, we can finally park and lock our bicycles safely in public areas. In The Yerka Project, the trio designed a bicycle that lets you wrap it around a pole or a tree—meaning people won’t be able to steal it.

Jewellery creates electricity through body movements

Jerusalem-based industrial designer Naomi Kizhner has created a jewellery concept that harnesses the body’s kinetic energy. Her hope is that one day it can be used to create electricity.

You’ll end up in a trance staring at these unique GIFs

If you’re looking for a distraction from work, then Texas-based visual artist Hayden Zezula has what you need. He’s created a series of unique, hypnotizing GIFs that you could end up putting you into a trance all day.

Ice cream that changes colour as you lick it

When you think of physicists, you probably think of people who want to better our understanding of the universe. And while some may be working on string theory or quantum mechanics, Manuel Linares used his talents to create an ice cream that changes colour as…

Synthetic Silk Leaf produces oxygen just like a real leaf

One of the main challenges of human space exploration is the lack of oxygen. Here on Earth, trees and other plants take in our carbon dioxide and changing it back to clean, sweet oxygen. But what if we could take those biological oxygen factories into space with us…

Business cards transform into mini bow and arrow

Businesses can be downright cutthroat at times. That’s why Australian communication design studio Filter has designed these weaponized business cards for digital media production company, Longbow.

Dress becomes transparent the more you share info online

Did you know that photo you took with your phone can reveal the exact location of where it was taken? And every time you fill in a profile, blog, share a video, send a tweet, or post a comment, you create a digital footprint that’s both…

What happens on the Internet in real-time

What’s the most popular internet activity? Both social networking (37 minutes per day) and email (33 minutes) are at the top. But how much really happens in that time? By the time you finish reading this sentence, there will have been over 200,000 new Facebook posts, 22,000+…

You can now eat mist that tastes of bacon, cotton candy & chocolate

Have ever wished you could eat all the bacon, cotton candy, and chocolate you wanted without worrying about your calories? Lick Me I’m Delicious, which was founded by Charlie Harry Francis, has created a machine in which you can eat flavoured mist. 