Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

Like most creatives, you’re probably undervaluing the work you do. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to scare off a potential client, you’re trying to compete with other designers, or you’re just not sure how.

Sometimes, selling yourself too cheap can have the same reaction for clients who might expect a lower quality. Well designers, now you can say goodbye to your pricing woes for various creative jobs; all you need to do now is answer five simple questions. Purveyor of ‘fresh education for creative professionals’, nuSchool, has put together a customizable cost calculator for determining how much creatives should charge for their projects.

The website will ask these five questions:

How much should I charge?

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

What’s the project?

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

Who’s the client?

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

How much does it cost you?

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

And is the project interesting?

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

Once you answer those five pricing calculating questions, they ask you one final thing: how will you feel afterwards.

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

Will you hate yourself when you’re done? Check out the cost calculator for yourself and see if their pricing makes you feel better about costing your creative jobs. You can also watch this video about job pricing for creatives or learn how to charge more for your work.
