What they didn’t teach you in design school

No matter what path you took in life, when it comes to our careers we all wish I learned ________________ in school. So, inspired by the gaps he perceived in a conventional design education, Professor Phil Cleaver published the very readable What They Didn’t Teach…

Discover 40 different ways to stay creative

After a while, trying to be creative feels like beating a dead horse. However, if you’re in need of a little inspiration, this handy infographic may be just what you need. 

Jewellery creates electricity through body movements

Jerusalem-based industrial designer Naomi Kizhner has created a jewellery concept that harnesses the body’s kinetic energy. Her hope is that one day it can be used to create electricity.

Business cards transform into mini bow and arrow

Businesses can be downright cutthroat at times. That’s why Australian communication design studio Filter has designed these weaponized business cards for digital media production company, Longbow.

Brilliant food packaging inspired by its contents

Swedish design studio Tomorrow Machine has come up with a series of clever, beautifully designed, eco-friendly food packaging.

Break the bad news with humorous and beautiful calligraphy

How do you break bad news to someone? Do you sugarcoat it or tell the truth? If you’ve ever had to break bad news to someone, but weren’t quite sure how to do it, there’s now a solutions. Seb Lester is a graphic designer from the UK. He has a love or…

Eight great topping combinations for your hamburger

The array of possible hamburger topping combinations is only limited the mind, or tastebuds. However, a great burger can include a wide variety of toppings that you might or might not have already considered. 

Infographic: Translating client-speak like a pro

If you’re in the marketing industry, like myself, trying to understand client feedback can be a tricky and confusing affair. Clients say one thing, but they actually mean another. It’s basically listening to a non-designer trying to explain type theory to you.

What’s your designer star sign?

According to Creative Director Liza Enebeis, there are 12 types of designers out there. To do this, she consults her inner Zodiac to bring you your designer star sign. Find yours and discover what it has to offer.