Pencil tips transformed into miniature masterpieces

This artist painstakingly chips away at pencil graphite to bring his miniature art to life.

Limited edition art supplies created by Karl Lagerfeld

Adult colouring books are currently one of the top trending items, and rightfully so. Colouring books for adults are touted as a therapeutic activity to de-stress and increase mindfulness. They’re dominating best-seller lists and compelling countless grown-ups to find art supplies to colour with.

Amazing sculptures carved out of the tips of pencils

Using an X-acto knife and tiny chisel, pencil lead is transformed into miniature sculptures.

Chocolate pencils for people who love art and chocolate

Acclaimed Japanese design studio Nendo has been credited for designing creations like chocolate paint and ice cream cakes that resemble villages. However, before these creative food ideas came another lesser known creation: chocolate pencils.