Naughty print ad likens a wallet to a vagina

To promote the affordability of German online sex shop’s love-making products, Hamburg-based ad agency Jung von Matt has created a naughty print ad.

The world’s first sex commercial to promote the act

Sex is used to sell everything from automobiles to real estate, hamburgers, and everything in between. But do people really buy a product just because it has sexually stimulating imagery attached to it? And more importantly, do they respond to it regardless? 

Can you stand to watch the longest ad in the world?

What does a day in the life of a terminally-ill cancer patient look like; and how much of that day can you stand to watch? Clocking in at 25 hours, this ad bags the title for The Longest Ad In The World.

5 reasons why your awesome content isn’t going viral

Okay, so you’ve created a killer blog article. You posted a painfully funny image or video. You put so much work into your awesome content that you expect it to go viral as soon as it hits the Internet. And no one cares.

Dress becomes transparent the more you share info online

Did you know that photo you took with your phone can reveal the exact location of where it was taken? And every time you fill in a profile, blog, share a video, send a tweet, or post a comment, you create a digital footprint that’s both…

Hilarious images poke fun at hipster motivational posters

If you’re regularly on social media, you certainly get a good dose of the usual hipster motivational posters posted on Facebook, Tumblr or Instagram. The pattern used to create these trivial posters is always the same: a heavy processed or filtered photo, with a motivational sentence placed somewhere…

Passed out drunk people on the streets are turned into billboards

For most people, a quiet drink after work is a quick treat before they head home for their dinner. However, for these Japanese, the end-of-the-day quickly pint turns into one too many. The result is people becoming passed out drunk and end up sleeping on the streets of Tokyo. 

Infographic: Translating client-speak like a pro

If you’re in the marketing industry, like myself, trying to understand client feedback can be a tricky and confusing affair. Clients say one thing, but they actually mean another. It’s basically listening to a non-designer trying to explain type theory to you.