Watch 6 easy hacks for better sex

Life hacks have occupied everything from our offices to bathrooms, closets, and kitchens. Since we’re hacking everything else these days, why not sex, too? 

A hot and sexy lingerie ad directed by Penélope Cruz

Penélope Cruz has returned both on and behind the camera to hawk L’Agent; the lingerie line she and her sister Monica developed for Agent Provocateur. Just like the banned fitness ad by TomTom, this lingerie ad will probably leave you hot under the collar.

A beautifully shot video shows how fedoras are made

In a society of mass production it’s easy for people to forget the importance of making something by hand. In Venice Beach, California, Nick Fouquet designs hand-crafted fedoras.

If the 90s were a movie, this would be its trailer

Has anyone else noticed that Hollywood has no new ideas? It seems all they make these days are remakes of toys, cartoons, and franchises from the 80s and 90s.

Synthetic Silk Leaf produces oxygen just like a real leaf

One of the main challenges of human space exploration is the lack of oxygen. Here on Earth, trees and other plants take in our carbon dioxide and changing it back to clean, sweet oxygen. But what if we could take those biological oxygen factories into space with us…

Do you think about sex every 7 seconds?

It’s been estimated that men think about sex every 7 seconds. If we believe the stats, thinking about sex every seven seconds adds up to 514 times an hour. Or approximately 7,200 times during the waking day. Is that a lot? I’m not sure, but…

A gas mask is needed to prepare the world’s spiciest drumstick sauce

Atomic Kick Ass Sauce is hot; and not give me a glass of milk hot. The world’s spiciest drumstick sauce is so hot that Bindi Restaurant chef and creator, Muhammad Karim, has to put on a gas mask to prevent himself from passing out while preparing…

Dress becomes transparent the more you share info online

Did you know that photo you took with your phone can reveal the exact location of where it was taken? And every time you fill in a profile, blog, share a video, send a tweet, or post a comment, you create a digital footprint that’s both…

How to build a crossbow out of simple office supplies

It’s time to take your spitball firepower to the next level with this guide for constructing a crossbow out of office supplies. Dave Hax is a YouTuber who frequently features cool projects and life hacks on his Youtube channel. 

Passed out drunk people on the streets are turned into billboards

For most people, a quiet drink after work is a quick treat before they head home for their dinner. However, for these Japanese, the end-of-the-day quickly pint turns into one too many. The result is people becoming passed out drunk and end up sleeping on the streets of Tokyo. 

If our childhood cartoons were scientifically accurate

When you think back to your favourite cartoons of the 80s and 90s, you’re probably brought back to happier times filled with colour, innocence, and laughter. Well that’s about to change.