Elevate your ink: Exploring Asian-inspired vertical tattoos

EQ designs vibrant tattoos where elements seem to burst forth from rectangular frames.

Pizza Hut allows job seekers résumés printed on a pizza box and sent to potential employers

Your next pizza delivery may come with a side of employment. Pizza Hut printed résumés onto a pizza box and delivered them to employers.

Neglected areas are revived with stunning portrait murals

12 neglected rooms at The Art Gallery of Western Australia have been revived with with stunning portraits.

The creative possibilities of smartphones from the Mobile Photography Awards

For 12 years, the Mobile Photography Awards has demonstrated the appeal of capturing moments with a phone.

Awe-inspiring 2022 Sony World Photography Awards winners

These awards are an opportunity to see the skills of amateur & professional photographer from around the world.

Galactic talent: Contest showcases best Milky Way photos of the year

Earth is situated in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way and sometimes we can see deep into our galaxy’s centre.

UN releases free COVID-19 awareness images donated by artists

The UN sent out an open brief for creatives. Within two weeks, tens of thousands of entries emerged.

National winners of the 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

The National Awards are a way for the contest to showcase talent from all countries that submitted work.

Google drops 1,000+ high-res satellite photos for use as wallpapers

Google is adding 1,000+ new images to Earth View, which users can download at up to 4K resolution.

View the awe-inspiring 2019 SIPA contest winners

Photographers from 161 countries have submitted their most daring, breathtaking photos.

No money to travel? Photoshop yourself a trip with ‘Fake A Vacation’

Fake A Vacation allows Instagramming wannabes to have a photo of themselves appearing like they're on vacation.

The 2018 National Geographic Photo Contest winners

The categories for the 2018 National Geographic Photo Contest include Wildlife, People, and Places.