Learn how to leave work early with these 6 tips

Where’s the worst place you can possibly be at 4 pm on a Friday? The office, of course.

Infographic: 16 signs your co-workers secretly hate you

Did Susan from marketing just roll her eyes at you? Maybe you’re constantly forgotten about when it comes to after-hours social events? Or are there post-it notes detailing your gruesome death on your computer each morning? All of these are signs that your co-workers might secretly hate you.

Learn the reason why we pretend to be busy

Chances are that throughout your day someone has asked you, “hey, are you busy?“ And whether you were or not, your answer was probably yes. But why?

How to deal with conflict in the workplace

Workplaces are full of different personalities that can make them buzz with conversation and productivity. However, when working in close quarters, it’s inevitable that they will eventually end in conflict. If these workplace conflicts aren’t dealt with immediately and effectively, the constant battle of wills…

What are the best careers for introverts and extroverts?

Do you identify yourself as an introvert or an extrovert? These are the two types of people you can find people in most workplaces. And because of the particular traits displayed by each personality type, they tend to work in different ways.

Learn how to properly charge your clients

Determining how to properly charge your clients is not only one of the most important tasks for a freelancer, it’s also one of the most stressful. After all, if you charge too little, you can’t pay your bills; if you charge too much, they may look for…

Why you should wear the same thing to work every day

Throughout the work week we’re confronted with thousands of decisions, both big and small; whether its choosing between #0099FF and #3399FF, or deciding to entirely change careers. With every decision you make, you’re using up the finite supply of mental energy allocated to you each day.…

10 tips to improve your design portfolio

You'll never know what opportunities you missed out on because someone landed on your tired, old portfolio.

How to be the jerk on your design team

When you’re working on your own, there’s a sense of freedom to do things your way on your time. However, if you’re working as part of a design team, it’s easy for personalities to clash.

Choosing the best careers based on your zodiac sign

For as long as humans have been around, we’ve looked to the stars for answers. And one of the biggest questions continues to be “what do I do with my life?” Well, online psychic reading service Crystal Heart Psychics has come up with a helpful…

Infographic: How to have the perfect day at work

How can we make our work days more effective? The details will likely vary depending on your profession and responsibilities, but there are still universal hacks we can all apply.

5 ways to increase your value to your clients

Let’s face it. There are plenty of other designers or businesses out there offering products and services similar your own. So, what makes you different? What makes your clients choose you over all the other options out there?