Email phrases that seem polite, but have different meanings

We receive plenty of work #emails the begin with phrases that sound polite, but they often have a passive-aggressive tone.

Earpiece with app can translate languages instantly

The language barrier is the most common thing that many travellers can relate to. English may be an international language, but communicating with those who don’t speak it requires some skill. So when travelling to a country where your native language isn’t spoken, don’t expect to become fluent…

3 proven ways to prevent awkward conversations

Did you know that there are proven ways to prevent the conversation from turning awkward?

How to be the jerk on your design team

When you’re working on your own, there’s a sense of freedom to do things your way on your time. However, if you’re working as part of a design team, it’s easy for personalities to clash.

Infographic: Translating client-speak like a pro

If you’re in the marketing industry, like myself, trying to understand client feedback can be a tricky and confusing affair. Clients say one thing, but they actually mean another. It’s basically listening to a non-designer trying to explain type theory to you.