The 10 best Google Fonts for your designs

As a web designer, you’re probably well aware of the importance of typeface. With the growing amount of businesses engaging in content marketing, font selection is becoming all the more crucial.

Company lets kids design their own clothes

Many people assume that you are either born creative or not. Not true. Creativity is actually more of skill that you can learn, which makes it a skill parents can help their kids develop. That’s what Jaimee Newberry, mother of two did with her kids.

Low polygon animal head trophies made of colored paper

Trophy hunting animals is all about the thrill of the kill. Without trying to defend or shame trophy hunters, hanging the head of an animal in your home seems a bit tacky. Especially from a design perspective. But if you want to give your home a distinguished hunter’s…

Water Tables create the illusion of animals emerging from the glass

Derek Pearce's Water Tables series features animal bases emerging from glass tabletops.

Sliced lamps made from real firewood

There are many people who like sitting in front of an indoor or outdoor fireplace and enjoying each others company. In fact, humans have been using wood-based fires to keep ourselves warm for thousands of years. However for LA-based designer Paul Foeckler of Split Grain, a simple block…

Pirate Printers use sewer covers to print bags and shirts

There’s nothing like utilizing the tools in front of us to create art. Look around you. Art is everywhere if you want to find it. For example, who says you need a fancy printing press and machinery to create your own t-shirt designs?

The unintentional exercises designers do while working

It takes a lot of work to get a chiselled look and rock-hard abs. The way I see it though, who needs a six-pack when you have a keg. That being said, physical activity has a positive impact on brain health.

Fashion Illustrator uses his environment to complete his designs

You may remember a previous post about an illustrator who uses food items to finish his fashion sketches. This time I’m featuring Shamekh Bluwi, a Jordan-based architect and fashion illustrator. He uses clouds, buildings, and whatever else he finds to decorate his dress designs.

Mesmerizing kinetic sculpture floats over Pershing Square

This eye-catching kinetic sculpture casts moving shadows over those who walk underneath.

Shazam-like handheld tool for font finding

This handheld tool captures typefaces — even colours — from the real world and searches for them online.

Mesmerizingly colourful quilled paper art

Quilled paper has seen a resurgence over the last few years, and it’s arguably all thanks to Yulia Brodskaya.

Marou chocolate bars wrapped in handmade art

The National Gallery Singapore partnered with chocolate brand Marou to create artisanal chocolate bars.