A few weeks ago at the Lawrence Alkin Gallery in London, visual artist Nick Smith showcased a new series of artworks that were inspired by erotic literature.
Over the weekend the movie Deadpool brought in an estimated $150 million at the box office. And although this is the largest opening for a February movie, Ryan Reynolds—while dressed as Deadpool—took the time to talk testicular cancer.
While the average people takes up a hobby like playing sports, baking — or even stamp collecting — there are a handful of unique individuals that consider these common pass-times mundane. So what do these people do instead? According to British website Gifts.co.uk, they enjoy…
Japan loves its animation and has a lot of anime merchandise aimed at the market there and around the globe. Hoping to establish the theme of Crazy Japan around the world, a designer collective called Million Girls Project intends to produce everyday products with a bizarre, controversial…