25 potential culture shocks from around the world

Don’t flush your toilet paper and never finish your food or you’ll seem rude. When traveling to other countries for the first time, some local practices might come as potential culture shocks to foreigners. This handy infographic reveals surprising habits and social faux pas from around the world.

Low polygon animal head trophies made of colored paper

Trophy hunting animals is all about the thrill of the kill. Without trying to defend or shame trophy hunters, hanging the head of an animal in your home seems a bit tacky. Especially from a design perspective. But if you want to give your home a distinguished hunter’s…

How creatives spend an average day

There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way. So what is it like to lead a creative life?

Trams in Amsterdam offer a unique gaming experience

For those who take public transit, playing games on your phone is probably how you pass the time. Parts of the world are going crazy trying to catch Pokémon through their phone with Pokémon Go. But that doesn’t mean you need to run around town chasing digital…

The unintentional exercises designers do while working

It takes a lot of work to get a chiselled look and rock-hard abs. The way I see it though, who needs a six-pack when you have a keg. That being said, physical activity has a positive impact on brain health.

Sleep under the stars (literally) in Alps open-air hotel

There is no roof, there are no walls, and not even a bathroom (at least not one closer than a 10-minute walk).

Life’s realities summed up in humorously honest illustrations

Mexican illustrator Eduardo Salles pokes fun at the realities of modern lives with brutally honest illustrations.

Learn how to escape zip-tie restraints

With a little bit of practice, it’s actually fairly easy to escape from zip-ties. Find out how.

Dry pool lets you float your workplace worries away

This dry pool allows you to float your worries away without the need to bring a bathing suit to work.

Dove ad highlights women’s beauty on their own terms

7 in 10 women believe they get more compliments about their look than their professional achievements.

Common Photoshop mistakes and how to avoid them

As the industry standard, Photoshop is a powerful image editing tool for designers. There are lots of Photoshop resources around to help us keep on top of thing, including handy tutorials. But in the wrong hands it can affect quality and make things less productive.

Subway passengers captured like 16th century paintings

If you ride the subway to work or school, you probably encounter different types of people. Some of those people are tourists who don’t speak very good english (although some people who speak english don’t do it well either). Then there’s that whisper-fighting couple where you catch every fifth…