Amusing cancer testi-monials from a pair of testicles

Did you know that testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in men aged 15 to 29? Symptoms often appear as the tumour grows and causes changes in the body. The good news is that it’s also among the most treatable when caught early. But don’t just take…

Paper scenes of Alice In Wonderland encased in baubles

If you're a fan of the classic book or even the movies, then it's time to 'step through the looking glass.'

Awesome three-piece Pac-Man suit and tie

Fans of the classic arcade game Pac-Man will be geeking-out over this awesome three-piece suit by Oppo Suits.

Champagne Gun is the rich man’s super soaker

Miami-based company King of Sparklers has combined water guns and champagne.

Paint swatchs used to create erotic artworks

A few weeks ago at the Lawrence Alkin Gallery in London, visual artist Nick Smith showcased a new series of artworks that were inspired by erotic literature.

Amusing video shows women how to ride bitch

This tongue-in-cheek tutorial video by Director Alex Vivian is your guide to female-on-female motorcycle riding.

Why sarcastic people are more creative

Did you know that 64 percent of the people who make sarcastic comments are able to find a creative solution to their problem?

Deadpool presents a humorous testicular cancer PSA

Over the weekend the movie Deadpool brought in an estimated $150 million at the box office. And although this is the largest opening for a February movie, Ryan Reynolds—while dressed as Deadpool—took the time to talk testicular cancer.

The most bizarre hobbies from around the world

While the average people takes up a hobby like playing sports, baking — or even stamp collecting — there are a handful of unique individuals that consider these common pass-times mundane. So what do these people do instead? According to British website, they enjoy…

Popular, yet controversial, upskirt umbrellas

Japan loves its animation and has a lot of anime merchandise aimed at the market there and around the globe. Hoping to establish the theme of Crazy Japan around the world, a designer collective called Million Girls Project intends to produce everyday products with a bizarre, controversial…