KFC debuts fried chicken-scented bath salts

If you’ve had a stressful day, perhaps you enjoy relaxing in the tub with some scented bath salts. To most people, a smell isn’t just a fragrance—it’s a memory. And if you’re hankering for the smell of chicken, KFC’s latest addition might make your day batter. 

Faded Footprints illustrated series highlights destroyed landmarks

The landscape shapes our sense of place on Earth, yet it’s constantly changing. The forces of wind, water, sun, and, yes, humans, combine to transform the world around us. In fact, in the last 50 years alone, hundreds of scenic natural landmarks around the world have…

Facebook wants your nude pictures, but for a good reason

Facebook—who can’t seem to control its own content—hopes we’ll trust it with our nude pictures. It’s an interesting, yet brazen plan they have to try to combat revenge porn.

Burger King serves up an effective anti-bullying PSA

If you saw someone being bullied, would you say something? That was the premise of an effective anti-bullying experiment conducted by Burger King in honour of National Bullying Prevention Month.

BK trolls McDonald’s with free Whoppers to those dressed as clowns

If you have coulrophobia (a fear of clowns), then you might want to stay away from Burger King this Halloween. Last year’s panic over creepy clown sightings and the recent success of the reboot of It have created a buzz around clowns, and now BK is getting in on the action.

Giant London billboard knows your car, even how you’re feeling

Many drivers and pedestrians have become used to tuning out billboard advertisements. But what if those billboards could serve up ads to you based on your vehicle, or even how you’re feeling? One London billboard is trying just that.

Getty bans Photoshopped images that alter models’ body shapes

Taking effect back on October 1st, Getty images updated its Creative Stills Submission Requirements. The new requirements specify they will no longer accept images of models whose bodies have been Photoshopped; either to look thinner or larger.

Facebook faces backlash after banning ad of a woman shaving her legs

We’ve all heard stories of Facebook and Instagram banning posts and advertisements that contain nudity. Their reasoning is that it’s adult content and not suitable for some of their users. Fair enough. However, sometimes it seems as though they pick and choose which posts they take down. The latest…

Snowbird ski resort cleverly uses 1-star review in its ad

From intermediate to expert skiers, Snowbird ski resort in Utah is renowned for its challenging slopes. However, one guest found the mountains to be a bit too challenging and wrote a 1-star review of his stay.

Company makes humorous soaps for all types of people

Do you still use bar soaps or do you use a body wash? If you still use bars, then these products might be just what you’re looking for. And while the soap industry may not be known for its sense of humour, an American company…

Controversial KFC Whole Chicken ad will not face an investigation

We all know that the meat we eat used to be a barnyard animal. And as both an Art Director and a farmer, I know that not a lot of people like being reminded of that fact. That, however, is some of the criticism behind…

Heinz creates Chicago Dog Sauce for the city that won’t use ketchup

People put a lot of things on their hot dogs in Chicago; the one thing they absolutely won’t put on is ketchup. Most Chicagoans opt for mustard, relish, onion and pickled condiments instead. Where this rule originated is a mystery, but one by which natives of the Windy…