Google’s professional photo editing software is now free

What was once a $500US package of pro photo editing software is now completely free. Google has recently announced that its Nik Collection desktop suite, a professional photo editing package, is now free for download. Acquired by Google back in 2012, the software was priced…

Cube device matches any colour you find around you

Despite the many apps and gadgets out there, Cube detects, measures and quantifies colour.

Swiss movement watches inspired by camera designs

Photographers might enjoy these watches that combine elements of classic and modern cameras.

Glass data discs capable of storing 360 TB for eons

Researchers at the University of Southampton have announced they’ve figured out how to store huge amounts of data on small glass discs.

Coca-Cola 12-pack packaging transforms into VR viewer

Coca-Cola turn some of their cardboard packaging into VR viewers for your smartphone.

Next-gen disposable utensils: The Edible Spoon Maker

This device—which looks like a waffle maker—cooks edible spoons with several different types of dough inside its spoon-shaped moulds.

Keep a slice handy with the pizza pouch

Created by novelty website Stupidiotic, this clear triangular plastic pouch is designed to hold a single slice of pizza.

Hide the wine. This wine rack uses optical illusion to store your booze

esigned by Harlequin Illusions, the Pinetti seamlessly vanishes the wine bottles that pass through it.

This stylish custom bicycle is guaranteed to turn heads

The Ono Bikes' Archont design comes in both electric and normal bicycles and feature a customized stainless steel frame which complements the LED lights on the rear.

Funny CSS puns that web designers can relate to

Inspired by a thread on Reddit comes a list of funny CSS puns.